35 Types of Snake Plants Worth Growing 您所在的位置:网站首页 42 Most Popular Houseplants 35 Types of Snake Plants Worth Growing

35 Types of Snake Plants Worth Growing

2024-06-05 17:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

It's no wonder snake plants are amongst the most popular beginner-friendly houseplants. These popular houseplants tend to be drought-tolerant, can handle various light conditions, and there are plenty of unique varieties to choose from. Plus, they're architectural foliage makes them popular as a modern interior design accent (although they rarely flower when grown indoors).

There are over seventy species in the genus formerly known as Sansevieria and many more cultivars. Now part of the Dracaena genus, you might see the plants being referred to using either of these botanical names.

The species range from desert-loving succulents to humidity-loving tropical plants. However, most are adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions and can typically handle low-light (making them popular bathroom plants). However, bright but indirect light is best to bring out the foliage patternation in variegated species. When it comes to watering snake plants, they don't need irrigating all that frequently—in fact, overwatering is the most frequent killer of these species.

Are you looking to add to your indoor jungle collection? These 35 types of snake plants are sure to offer some inspiration.


If you have curious four-legged family members, you'll want to keep these plants out of their reach. Most snake plant species are toxic to cats and dogs.






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